Introducing…Your Coaching Brand

The leading program to help career, life and business coaches design your coaching brand and create your signature system and coaching package – in just 4 weeks!

Dear Passionate Entrepreneur,

Do you want to:

  • Finally figure out how to actually make money with your coaching, now that you have completed your training?
  • Learn how 6-figure coaches scale their business easily and effortlessly?
  • Clarify who your ideal client is and what to charge so you can experience the freedom coaching can bring?
  • Create your first (or next) coaching package or program to start making an impact and great income?

To do that takes a commitment.  Nothing changes until you do!

You’ll have to:

  • Stop undervaluing yourself and undercharging
  • Start treating your coaching services like a 6-figure business, with all the systems and a support you deserve
  • Get laser focused on who you are, who you serve, and how you do it
  • Have packages ready that they can’t wait to buy!
If you are unsure HOW to start, or WHAT works now, or even WHO you want to be going forward – your worrying stops now!

I will guide you through the exact blueprint and system I’ve used that will get you selling out your coaching practice and programs in record time – with clients you LOVE and who seek you out just because they love who you are – quirks and all!

Imagine What it Would be Like to Have All the Clients You Want, the Freedom in Your Lifestyle You Have Longed For – and an Income That Keeps Growing – Even When You’re On Vacation!

It’s all possible when you learn the formula for Your Coaching Brand.

More about that in a minute…but let’s talk about you.

You’ve enjoyed success in your career – and either are making the transition to entrepreneurship, finishing your coach training or other training and ready to market, or perhaps you’ve had your own business for some time now and have had an unexpected setback.  You are a career coach, a life coach, a business coach or perhaps a healer that offers a transformational service.

What you live for is the transformation you can help others have when they realize their greatness, transform into more of themselves, overcome a problem you have helped them solve – or otherwise have that “aha” moment. Right?

There’s no question you’re absolutely brilliant at what you do – and you have the credentials, the life experiences, and the ability to communicate that makes people know, like and trust you.

But you aren’t making the money you want – and need – to make to really enjoy your work and life.  (Maybe you don’t even know how to get started laying the foundation to MAKE the money?!?)

You may doubt yourself, be afraid to rock the boat of what everyone else tells you to charge – and as a result, you wonder from time to time whether you should just go back and get a J-O-B.

Beautiful woman, it’s time to stop threatening to give up on your dream, living week to week or month to month “hoping” things will change.


It’s time to let go of:

checkbox-red2Struggling to pay the bills because you undercharge for your services

checkbox-red2Working 12 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week, trying to keep up

checkbox-red2Growing your business slowly instead of accelerating with the help of a mentor and a great team

checkbox-red2Feeling overwhelmed with all the minutiae and details of running your business – especially the technology you hate!

checkbox-red2Attracting clients who are struggling too – and are harder to work with as a result!

You know what you want – but the path to get there isn’t as easy as it sounded when you first thought about starting your own business.

The amazing thing is, just a few simple shifts to how you are doing things – and the beliefs and mindset you bring to each day as you run your business – can make a difference almost immediately in your income, your enjoyment, your freedom, and your bottom line.

But you’ll have to change.  You’ll have to give up your familiar habits.

You’ll have to learn to be coachable.

Do you really think you are serving people more effectively by being in financial struggle?  Of course not!

The world has enough people sitting on the sidelines, afraid to make a move.  In fact, business startups are at their lowest in years right now.  Why? You may be a:

1 – Coach who is new in business and get overwhelmed with all the steps that seem to be necessary to launch your business and start marketing.

2 – Entrepreneur with “bright shiny object syndrome” and dabble at lots of strategies, trying to find ONE that will work – and nothing does.

3 – Coach who knows WHAT to do, but hasn’t mastered the Inner Game of manifesting and success and learned how those laws work – so your actions generate minuscule results.

4 – Entrepreneur who’s lost interest in what you used to do, or family matters took you offline for a while, and with eroded self-confidence you aren’t sure if you can keep up with the market trends or do what you used to do again.  Now what?

Whether you’re in one of these categories or otherwise just unsure about how to define your niche and package your coaching programs, imagine that in just a few weeks, you could…

checkbox-red2Go from making $120 per hour to $7000 in one hour (as Karen did)

checkbox-red2Add as much as $70,000 in revenue to your bottom line by implementing one key strategy (as Anne did)

checkbox-red2Through charging higher fees and getting more committed clients, gather funds to support the charity that is most near and dear to your heart (as Elizabeth did)

checkbox-red2Have 3, 5 or even 10 people per day contacting you wanting to work with you (as Bonnie did)

My name is Marcia Bench, and I’m well known in the coaching world as an expert on coaching, entrepreneurship, business growth and wealth creation of more than 25 years in training, speaking, coaching, and writing.  I’ve been blessed to write 25 books  and be one of the first few authors published by Hay House besides Louise Hay herself.

But I wasn’t always that clear on my purpose – and the road hasn’t always been easy.  I have faced financial setbacks, overcame breast cancer in year two of my business, been divorced, and even overcame addiction and chronic fatigue.

And it was staying on the path of divine service through entrepreneurship – teaching, writing, and coaching – that have healed me and kept me going.

My purpose in life is to help entrepreneurs just like you (mostly women, thus the term womanpreneurs) step into their greatness, find their purpose and voice, and create a high-impact business that provides them with abundance, wealth, fulfillment and freedom.  As a transformational trainer and mentor, what lights me up is when YOU make quantum leaps forward and claim your own legacy in the world – and your clients just start lining up to work with you!

I have studied metaphysics and personal growth since an early age, and have a degree in psychology as well as a law degree.  I gave up the law practice after 4 years, selling everything I owned and the business to travel the U.S. and Canada by RV with my first book, When 9 to 5 Isn’t Enough.  So you can see I’m an action taker!

It was just 45 days from my “lightning bolt moment” when the idea for Career Coach Institute hit me until we were enrolling our first students, and now have graduates in 42 countries worldwide and have enjoyed 15 years of multiple 6-figure income and a freedom-based lifestyle.

So if you’re an action taker AND you’ve had your share of adversity, fear, and doubt – then we may well be soul mates and designed to work together in this program!

My overachievement sent me into recovery and years of healing…and I’ve even worked with a shaman on the mountaintops of Colorado, cruised to Hawaii and back with Abraham-Hicks while they taught and channeled, and spent 12/21/12 in Mexico to celebrate the end of the Mayan calendar.

What my clients say is unique about working with me is that I am equally conversant in energy, spirituality and healing as well as in social media marketing, branding, business growth strategy and change management.  After all, it’s all connected!  And somehow I’ve been hard wired so that both hemispheres of my brain blend intuition and intellect, spirituality and science, so you get a holistic approach to building a business that feels AWESOME to you and your clients!

I journeyed 18 years to find my life purpose, and since doing that, I have:


goldcheckAttracted clients in 42 countries – mostly through virtual marketing

goldcheckEnjoyed 15 consistent years of mid 6-figure income

goldcheckFilled my practice 3 times – two while writing a book – using what I will teach you in this program

goldcheckBeen able to follow the sun and live where I wanted to live, not where the work was

goldcheckTraveled to multiple countries on vacation and for speaking gigs

goldcheckShared the stage with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra

goldcheckBuilt several international brands that are leaders in their niche

goldcheckBeen published by Simon & Schuster

goldcheckAttained Best Seller status through self-publishing on Amazon

goldcheckBecome happier and healthier

goldcheckBecome even more committed to share what I’ve learned in my setbacks with action-takers like you that want to shake things up in their own lives!


And last year, when my mother had a stroke, my husband had a life-threatening blood clot, and we had a break-in at our home, the principles Sold Out Coaching Programs and including incorporating the Laws of Success in my business has sustained us and allowed me to be their caregivers when they needed me most.

And I’ve been where you are – I started out with a frankly ugly web site and wasn’t even ready to take credit cards when my very first student enrolled 16 years ago…but it worked!  She resonated with what we were offering and with me and those things weren’t important.

But it took years to figure out what all the pieces were that needed to be in place, then get everything in the right order and know how to implement them – or where to get help.  And I’ve done it!  And revised it several times to update as new strategies like Facebook and LinkedIn and Periscope and Twitter changed the landscape of marketing and enrollment.

Now, I’ve put it all together in ONE place, providing you with step by step training and support over four weeks, so you don’t have to struggle like I did in the beginning!

“Marcia, I was on the fence as to whether to commit to your coaching program one night last week, though I knew I would benefit from your guidance as I build my new business. So I decided to go for it and paid the coaching fee.

Amazingly, the next morning, a client I hadn’t worked with for years called me “out of the blue” and asked me to do some work for them. This new work will represent about $11,000 in income – so I’ve had a more than 8-fold return on my commitment to myself to coach with you overnight!”

Nathalie Thompson


“I was looking for strategies to reboot my online presence for my nutrition coaching business. Marcia’s course came just in time. As a result of what I learned, I returned to a blogging and social media schedule. For the first time I’m sharing my blogs on LinkedIn and getting views and likes – and in 2 weeks of publishing I garnered over 250 followers!  Three to 5 people per DAY are calling me to explore working with me.  I learned new resources to help make my blogs more appealing and gained more understanding of how to use key words in postings. This class gave me the “kick” to start off this year with plan of action and goals I’m excited to work on. Thanks Marcia!”


Bonnie Roill, RDN, CWC, CPT, HCC, MBA

“Having Marcia one on one to focus on my business, giving pointers, coming up with strategies to use and avenues to take was an amazing experience. Marcia helped me to put the pieces to my puzzle together that was keeping me stuck. I now feel geared up and ready to go.  I have already begun to implement some of her ideas and plan to continue.  I have a specific goal and the plan is to see it materialize by the first of the year.  I am confident if I follow Marcia’s guidance I will reach my goal.  She is awesome!”


Madeline Lewis,

“When I started working with Marcia, I knew what I wanted to do but felt blocked in moving forward.  Marcia helped me work through those blocks, clarify who I am as a coach and who I want to serve.  Together, we created coaching packages my clients love, and I’ve already served several clients in creating their authentic web presence, and enhancing my position in both confidence and revenue. Thanks Marcia for the clarity, the confidence, and the tools to move forward!”


Mark Mayes, Authentic Web Presence

Through working with Marcia, I became very clear on that value that I have to offer to others, and the best way to “package” and deliver that value so I could help others while maintaining a schedule and a lifestyle that supports me as well. Thank you, Marcia…your support, guidance and inspiration have made a tremendous difference for me. I am excited about the direction my business is now taking, and I’m looking forward to great things to come.


Sharon Hibbard, Compelling Content Creation

“If you are ready to get down and dirty and really get going with your business, I highly recommend working with Marcia. She’ll help you live out your life purpose in a supportive, forward moving manner. I am energized, confident, and enthusiastic about my business and my success in living my life purpose and inviting in my Sacred Feminine Wealth.” quotes

Laura Kosak, MA, MFT Relationship Coach

“When working with Marcia Bench, one of the strategies she recommended to build my list around my new brand was to do a telesummit. She helped guide me through the entire process including all of the various ways in which I could broaden my impact and income using this amazing tool. As a result, my list grew by more than 1000 people in less than 30 days and positioned myself as even more of an expert in my market space. Thanks so much!”


Kaya Singer – Awakening Business Coach


So if you are ready to stop wondering and spinning trying to figure things out on your own, let’s lay it out for you!  In just 4 weeks of working together, we’ll help you:

  • Define your coaching services and life purpose
  • Know who your ideal clients are – and how to reach them
  • Choose a coaching niche that will be lucrative for you that is looking for what you want to offer
  • Create a Signature System that will distinguish you from the other coaches in the marketplace
  • Offer your services through premium priced packages (the fastest way to grow – and it gets you the best quality clients too!)

You will breathe a sigh of relief as you see the pieces fit into place, easier than you dreamed.  You DON’T have to have a full web site or a large mailing list or any kind of tech savvy to sell out your programs.

Your clients are interested in connecting with YOU – someone they have come to know, like and trust thanks to the steps you’ll be learning here.  So you won’t have to overspend when you’re getting started on pretty bells and whistles that look nice – but don’t contribute to the bottom line.


Week 1: Your Coaching Message and Service; Your Life’s Purpose


If you start marketing without knowing who you are as a service provider and who your audience is, you will waste both time and money. So we start with your purpose in life, what drew you to your area of expertise, and how to think like an entrepreneur. We provide you with 4 key questions to clarify your purpose, a customized numerology profile report to give you insights at the soul level to your gifts and talents, and a clear plan to attract your first 10 clients.

Entrepreneurship is a path, a journey – not a destination. And it must honor who you are (and who you have been up to now) for it to really flow. Once you hone in on exactly why you feel so passionate about what you do – and how to use this to connect to your purpose and to your ideal clients – then marketing, program creation and sales become EFFORTLESS. (It’s almost like magic!)

You’ll also learn:

  • What YOUR life purpose is
  • Why your purpose MUST be at the core of your business for you to prosper in the present and future economy
  • How the themes in your life are directly tied to your biggest opportunity for business success – and how to identify them
  • The magical 4-part equation that reveals WHAT you are meant to do, and WITH WHOM you are to do it

Week 2: Your Ideal Clients aka Tribe and Niche

You are uniquely qualified to serve a specific audience. But how do you know who they are, and whether there are enough of them to make a viable business? What are their needs? We will help you clarify these issues and more in this module, as well as match your brand archetype to your clients’.

Tired of trying to figure out your “niche”? In today’s changing global economy and consciousness, it’s no longer about niching! Instead, we help you focus on finding the people who are a perfect fit for you, connecting with them (and connecting them with each other) so that you become the hub of a community. In our “high tech” era, when so many people feel anonymous and taken for granted, there is nothing more powerful than feeling that sense of belonging. By understanding your ideal client, and knowing how to easily begin reaching them, you will begin to attract EXACTLY the right people to you, and they will “know” they are home.

You’ll also learn:

  • How to figure out who your ideal customers are, once and for all!
  • How to get your customers connected to each other – so they never want to leave you!
  • How to decide whether your market is too big, too small, or just right

Week 3: Your Signature System – Creating Your Legacy

You will be able to sell your services much more easily if you present them as a process you guide your clients through. In this module you identify the steps in your unique system, how to share this solution with your clients (to a problem they are craving an answer to) – and how to overcome common blocks to discovering your brand.

Let’s face it, if you are not crystal clear about the key benefits your clients will get as a result of working with you, you’ll be hard pressed to get them to invest in your services, right?

So what is a Signature System (SS)? Stated simply, it’s a way to package your expertise so that people want to invest in your services. In fact, you may find that once your SS is clear, clients can’t WAIT to invest with you! It’s your Core Story packaged in such a way that your ideal clients easily grasp what you do – and how they can do it too. Even better, you can usually then take this and turn it into products and group programs – which is the secret for transitioning from a one-on-one face-to-face model to a virtual, leveraged model using the Internet and working with multiple clients at once. (Translation: you have more FREEDOM!)

You’ll also learn:

  • How to hone the services you already offer into a clear, step-by-step, replicable system that you can model for and teach to others
  • How to create a signature system you will become known for
  • Why it no longer works to sell your services directly – and what does
  • How to overcome common blocks to discovering your brand
  • Why it’s not what you sell – or even how you communicate it – that convinces the client to buy – and the secret ingredient that makes them want to buy
During just four weeks working with Marcia, I honed in on the professional expression of my life purpose and gained tremendous clarity and focus. I created a website and a Facebook business page. I set up several administrative systems including payment processing, calendar booking, e-mail capturing, and bookkeeping. I created a Signature System, obtained my domain name, developed an offer structure, and created a flyer to promote the program.  I felt supported by Marcia and the group throughout while being challenged to reach beyond what I imagined possible. Marcia broke down the steps needed to quickly start my business in clear, progressive, doable tasks and kept me accountable to a schedule.
Laura Kosak, MA, Relationship Coach

Week 4: Your Premium Package for Quick Growth and Income


Now that you have the basic elements of your online empire-building system in place, it’s time to package and price it! You can earn money while you sleep by making what you’ve done evergreen so people can opt in and view your content from any country, 24/7, while you sleep, create, or vacation.

Also at this stage, you’re ready to leverage your Signature System into multiple streams of coaching income…and keep your customers coming back time and time again! (And yes, you need to think this through NOW – before you have “painted yourself into a corner” offering different things to different people and feeling too scattered.) We’ll explore what you should charge, how to use group coaching, what you need to track to ensure business success, and more.

I’ll show you how to grow your business from $0 to $100,000 and beyond. You won’t believe how easy and effortless it can be to shift from the one-on-one business model to a leveraged business model – so that what you actually do it what you LOVE and the rest is leveraged and systematized.

You’ll learn:

  • How to fill the gaps in your income and leap-frog your revenues to new levels
  • How to create your first book, class, seminar, workshop or client group program (or all of the above!) – and have other people pay for the creation
  • How to ensure that you can offer different programs, levels and price points so that people can choose exactly what fits for them (making sales easier!)
  • How to avoid getting stuck in the planning stage with our “Ready, Fire, Aim” approach
  • What you should charge for each program – and how to have clients pulling out their credit cards and eagerly signing up to work with you


As part of the Your Coaching Brand training program, you also receive these 2 valuable bonuses:


Bonus 1: Exclusive Member Portal housing all recorded trainings and downloadable playbooks and forms

Bonus 2: Bonus Training on our Sacred Client Enrollment process so you can easily sell your premium packages to your ideal clients

Bonus 3: Private Facebook Group with 1:1 access to Marcia for your questions

Bonus 4: Marcia’s Million Dollar Resource List of vendors, software, services and more that you’ll need at every stage

Bonus 5: Discover Your Life Purpose Audios

Bonus 6: Lifetime Access – your access to this resource never ends! Use it as long as you want, for the lifetime of you and your business!


By applying now and getting accepted as soon as possible, you qualify for a BIG BONUS: you will get a FREE 1:1 30-minute consultation with Marcia to set your course for getting the most from the experience to achieve your unique goals.

“I started working with Marcia because I was specifically looking for an expert who could help me to define and create my own ‘signature system’. By the end of only my fourth session with Marcia I had my system outline in place.

Using the Signature Talk and other systems Marcia helped me develop, I have generated an additional $70k in revenue and have a plan in place to double that. ”

Anne Phelan Your Opportunity Expert

So to Summarize, Here’s What You Get with Your Coaching Brand:

  • 4 Weekly video training modules on the 4 topics most critical to crafting your coaching brand and premium packages
  • Weekly playbooks to accompany the modules with exercises to do on that topic
  • 6 Juicy Bonuses:
    • Bonus 1: Exclusive Member Portal housing all recorded trainings and downloadable playbooks and forms
    • Bonus 2: Bonus Training on our Sacred Client Enrollment process so you can easily enroll your ideal clients
    • Bonus 3:  Private Facebook with 1:1 access to Marcia for your questions
    • Bonus 4: Marcia’s Million Dollar Resource List of vendors, software, services and more that you’ll need at every stage
    • Bonus 5: Discover Your Life Purpose Audios
    • Bonus 6: Lifetime Access – your access to this resource never ends! Use it as long as you want, for the lifetime of you and your business!
    • EARLY ENROLLMENT BONUS: 30-minute 1:1 consultation with Marcia to get feedback on your brand and package
You will find the benefits you get from Your Coaching Brand are both what you expect and others you don’t expect – because you will grow and evolve during the experience.  Among the benefits our students report are that they:

  • Find the answers that have eluded you in what it really takes to move your coaching, consulting, or other service business forward (hint: it’s NOT just another marketing strategy!)
  • Discover with absolute clarity the work you were born to do – and the next steps in making it real, viable and abundant
  • Clear energy and money blocks to making money using your unique gifts
  • Know what to charge – and how to talk to prospective clients about your services
  • Discover how to attract the perfect clients that are an energetic and vibrational match for your gifts
  • Uplevel your vibration so that you can quantum leap your work to its next level
  • Create a freedom-based lifestyle that blends work, play and family in a way that’s perfect for you
  • Feel excited and joyful about every day you get to work doing what you love and are called to do!

You can go from feeling trapped, playing small, being overwhelmed and stressed with no clear choice for the future to being free, visible, inspiring, living your vision, with joy and balance, and being empowered as you help others every day..

And unlike many other mentoring and training program, no travel is required.  We serve our elite students and clients through convenient online and webinar/Skype methods.

Before being in Marcia’s Wealthy Womanpreneur class I was struggling with how to start my own business.  I had just left Corporate America and wasn’t sure how to structure my business or attract the right clients.  I had coached leaders in my career, but was transitioning into a very different area of coaching.  I had some fears and wasn’t sure I could turn my passion into a thriving business.  As I went through each module I gained clarity on my vision, discovered easy ways to set up my business, and created a system to serve the clients I want to attract.  Now, I am set up for success and expect to enroll my first high end clients within the next 60 days!  Marcia’s hands-on approach, proven system, and desire for you to succeed are true differentiators.  I am grateful for this experience!
Stacè Middlebrooks, M.A., PCCC, SPHR

The Harmonious Woman Coaching Program a division of The Middlebrooks Group, LLC

“Your Coaching Brand” Guarantee

We Personally Guarantee Your Satisfaction! I want you to feel very comfortable making the decision to join our Your Coaching Brand training experience. And after more than 25 years working with entrepreneurs, we know that you absolutely will have all you need to master and implement the skills you need to fill your practice once you complete the program – as well as the guidance and mentoring you need to implement!

I know how fulfilling it is when you make a difference in people’s lives every day through your work with them AND you make a great living too. So rest assured…we know what it takes to be a comprehensively trained and fully prepared womanpreneur…and you will get ALL of these tools in our course (even customizable forms that will make your startup that much easier!). I personally invite you to join the dozens of womanpreneurs worldwide who are joining you on this journey…and let it transform your life too!

“When I first met Marcia I was frustrated with the way I was operating as a business. I felt disorganized and overwhelmed, needed help in marketing and promoting myself, and my program offerings did not have a flow and were very scattered. Marcia helped me immensely with systemizing my business to the point of seeing larger revenue potential I never thought possible. The most significant take away has been the development of my Signature System, which has helped my program organization and create a BUZZ about my services. I made more than $7000 in a recent one-hour presentation – nearly 4 times what I would have been paid using my old approach! I know I now have the pieces of puzzle necessary to thrive, not just survive.”
Karen McGeehan, Inner View Nutrition




Where will you be in your life and business in a year?  Consider the difference between charting your course on your own – without a mentor and community to learn from and bounce ideas off of when you have questions…and contrast that with the juicy, comforting feeling you will have if your DO have a seasoned guide on the journey, and a community of sisters to support you.

I can tell you that I have rarely been without a mentor and a roadmap to follow during my 25 years in coaching, and even prior to that as a consultant.  No one of us knows it all – and we are usually too close to our own “stuff” to transform it without outside intervention.

It doesn’t have to be as hard as you may be making it to reach the 6 figures, and even the 7 figures.  But “it takes a village – and a leader of that village!” to succeed.

I’ve been working with, holding space for and teaching and mentoring entrepreneurs just like you for more than 25 years…and my heart and soul longs to support you so that you can LOVE your life and business.

If you’re resonating with what you read here, let’s talk!  Submit your registration and let’s do this!

To your wealth and success,
