Recent Grad Turns Coaching Into 6-Figure Business Within 12 Months
“I quickly turned my career coaching specialty into a six figure business within one year. My coaching rates doubled instantly – and as a result, my business more than doubles each year, I’ve worked with large corporations and receive requests for paid speaking engagements, even authoring my own career book this year as well.” ~ Debora McLaughlin, The Renegade Leader.com

Trainer/Consultant Grows Business 30% Per Year With Coaching
“My individual coaching work has grown by at least 30% each year as career resilience continues to be the only “job security” in today’s economy. Creating work I love, and helping clients do the same is a remarkable way to live my purpose!” ~ Janine Moon, Compass Point Career Coaching

Career Coach Training Leads To National Speaking
“I highly recommend CCI’s program for the in-depth knowledge you will gain, state-of-the-art actionable strategies, and incredible teaching staff who really care about their students. My coach helped me find my dream of writing a book, and I have been speaking nationally for the past 5 years.” ~Kirsten Jacoway Beasley, www.careerdesigncoach.com
Looking for a way to make a difference helping others?
Become a Certified Career Coach™!
Enroll Today, Start LearningToday!
Career coaching is fun, fulfilling, and financially rewarding.
Start a new business, add career coaching to your existing
practice, or train your staff in this amazing skill!
Career coaching is for you if you are:
A professional in transition considering career coaching as a next career
A life coach or other coach seeking to add career coaching as a niche
An HR professional seeking to learn career coaching and possibly apply it in my company
A training director seeking to train our staff in career coaching
A workforce development center director seeking to train our staff in career coaching
Find Fulfillment Helping Workers Blend Passion and Pocketbook
If you know you are a natural coach and want to help today’s workers find a job that is their passion and supports them financially, career coaching may be perfect for you. No other coaching specialty has the longevity and constant demand that career coaching does. And nothing is more satisfying than helping people find their true Life’s Work!
Find out more in our complimentary introductory webinar to see if it’s right for you.
Become a Certified Career Coach in Just a Few Months
Learn how to launch a fulfilling new career as a Career Coach and make money doing what you love! We established the industry of career coaching in 2001, and it continues to be in high demand in a wide range of age groups and types of clients. With millions of people making job transitions every year – including 1 out of 4 executives – you’ll never run out of clients!
Find out more about what career coaching is and how it compares to related professions here.
Study Career Coaching Where and When You Want
We give you training in solid coaching and career development skills to help you be a successful coach and start seeing clients while you’re still in training. Our course is 100% online, giving you the flexibility to study from your computer, smartphone, or tablet when it’s convenient for you.
Find out more about our training and career development.
Why Become a Career Coach Now – Before Year End
It's easy to keep putting off the decision to actually get trained and certified as a career coach - until "that day" comes when you know you just can't take the job/boss/commute/long hours another day! My day came when my husband announced that he would be retiring 2...
Your Ideal Career Coaching Lifestyle
One of the factors that drives many people to enter the business of career coaching is dislike of their job– or at least of a lifestyle that the job requires. Commuting in heavy traffic, dressing for success, dealing with a boss and or coworkers that you...
How to Know if Career Coaching is Right For You
How do you know whether career coaching is a field you should consider? The most successful career transitions are carefully thought out, after weighing the risks of the decision. Students in the Career Coach Institute program come from a wide...
The 3 Simple Secrets to Using Career Coaching to Make You More Money and Give You More Free Time
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(503) 308-8179