How do you know whether career coaching is a field you should consider?

The most successful career transitions are carefully thought out, after weighing the risks of the decision.

Students in the Career Coach Institute program come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Following are some representative examples of people who have completed the CCI career coach training and become Certified Career Coaches™.

  • Meg had started her own resume-writing service after a thirteen-year career in private and nonprofit employment industry positions. She found herself giving away substantial amounts of advice and time to clients who wanted her to write their resumes but didn’t know what jobs they were targeting. She wanted to be generous but since she couldn’t build a business with unbillable hours, she was looking for a way to help clients and be paid for it.
  • Jeff was a therapist who had worked both within corporations and with individuals on career issues (as well as other issues from a therapeutic standpoint), and had completed another coach training program prior to CCI. However, that program did not specialize in career coaching, and he wanted to hone his expertise to get faster, more lasting results with clients. In addition, he wanted to do work that had a more positive focus than much of his therapy, which dealt mainly with pathologies.
  • Peg had transitioned from corporate communications to a position in organizational development at a pharmaceutical firm. A highly achievement-oriented woman in her late fifties, Peg wanted both to expand her coaching skills within her company and to learn a specialty that she could use independently in retirement.
  • Gina had been a successful independent recruiter for over ten years and was particularly successful when the U.S. economy was strong. When a recession began, her business fell off and she began to seek other ways to leverage her substantial experience in both business and in the careers field. Like Meg, she found herself giving a lot of advice and time away to candidates (even though her actual client was the company seeking to hire them). She wanted to find a way to get paid to coach the recruiting candidates.
Dozens of other examples could be cited to illustrate the diversity of backgrounds of backgrounds of people entering the field of career coaching. [Excerpted from Career Coaching: An Insider’s Guide by Marcia Bench.] See more success stories at
And if you are considering joining this growing profession, be sure to attend this Wednesday’s introductory call, “5 Secrets to Becoming a Highly Paid, Sought After Professional Career Coach.”  We will also explore the traits for success, the 4 areas you need to learn and master, and how to make your transition.  New classes start soon!